Today, the Board of Commissioners rocketed into 2009 with the posting of their first agenda As you can see, our prodding of the Board to take up the issue of budget cuts which have resulted in food shortages+/- Read more...
Friday, January 9, 2009
Who's Gagging the Board of Commissioners? Ed Boks?
Today, the Board of Commissioners rocketed into 2009 with the posting of their first agenda As you can see, our prodding of the Board to take up the issue of budget cuts which have resulted in food shortages+/- Read more...
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Boks Celebrates 100 Years of Killing Animals.
Yesterday, Animal Services General Manager Ed Boks posted his first not the "official position of the City of Los Angeles or LA Animal Services" entry for the new year. We still wonder why the City won't stand behind Boks's blathering or allow him to host the From the Desk of Ed Boks blog on the City's own website. Okay, we don't wonder.
Without providing any references (except for a bunch of links to his own fudged numbers) for his 1200 word celebration of L.A. Animal Services' supposed Centennial, Boks heralds the great strides we have made since "rabid dogs" were gunned down in the streets. Boks takes us on on a lyrical sojourn through L.A.'s animal regulation history from 1909 to present, but we have no idea from whence he draws his "facts."
A Centennial seems an appropriate time to look back and review the path that got us to where we are today.
At its inception in the first decade of the 20th Century, LA Animal Services served an emerging urban community where dogs and cats were owned by families who were used to having pets because of what they contributed to a more rural lifestyle. Dogs, for the most part, were considered working animals earning their keep on a local farm or ranch, or were used for hunting to help put dinner on the table. Cats, and some small dogs, were used as mousers to help keep small rodents and rats out of home, barn, yard and business. Consequently, both cats and dogs were permitted to run free.
First, there was no "Animal Services" until 2002. Prior to that the Department was called "Animal Regulation."
Boks claims that it wasn't until the 1960s that we countrified Angelenos started to consider dogs and cats as anything more than "staff" used to hunt and control "vermin." Yes, that's right. Before the 60s, we Angelenos kept all of our dogs and cats outdoors. That's right. So primitive and backwards were residents of Los Angeles that they didn't let their pets into their homes until 30 years after Warren G. Harding permitted "Laddie Boy" to grace the carpets of the White House. To say nothing of Rin Tin Tin whose career of 30 films spanned 1922-1931; or Lassie Come Home in 1943.
Boks waxes on , basically telling us that for 60 years, Animal Regulation (not L.A. Animsl Services, Ed) was concerned mostly with controlling the spread of rabies, which is true. Now,in the modern era where former Neanderthal-like Angelenos have the benefit of those crazy inventions like electricity and running water-- and because of spay neuter programs and clinics (which are still not operational in LAAS) which he compares to his own invention "Big Fix" (Al Gore, anyone?) the "euthanasia" numbers have "plummeted" 86% since 1971. Is he taking credit for this?
Before this, Boks only claimed to be the biggest adoption agency in the country. Now he claims he's the biggest in "the world." We'll wait for that other shoe to drop.
In 2007, 15,009 animals were euthanized. Sadly, in 2008 the euthanasia rate increased to the 2006 level (Notice there is no number here.) due to an unprecedented housing foreclosure crisis leading to the number of animals taken in by LA Animal Services spiking to the 2002 level (How many killed in 2002, Ed?).
Yes, all the animals killed in excess of the 2007 numbers are because of foreclosures. How many is that, Ed?
The current economic downturn also led to the development of such programs as “A House is not a Home without a Pet” and “Operation Safety Net” to respond to aspects of this crisis.
Any stats on these snappily-named "programs?"
By transforming our animal shelters into places of hope and life, instead of despair and doom, we experienced over a 40% increase in our adoption rates over the past two years - despite the current economic downturn. LA Animal Services is the largest-volume pet adoption program in the world with over 25,000 live placements in 2008.
Ed has transformed our "shelters" into "places of hope and life." Anybody? By the way, East Valley shelter has no paper nor any bowls to feed the animals.
over a 40% increase in our adoption rates over the past two years
More playing with numbers, but I'll let Muzika comment on these.
Boks says we're "progressive" and links back to his critique of the "No Kill Solution" when he pat himself on the back for such an extensive network of fosters ( a key element of No Kill) for all of these unwanted animals. Here's a number for you , Ed. Number of dogs released to foster since 2005: 20. Yep, since Ed has graced our shores only 20 dogs have been released to "fosterers."
The sad thing--one of the sad things---is that Boks does not take this momentous opportunity to recognize the hard work of his employees. Not once.
We are always amazed how Boks, professing to be a vegetarian, is the City's largest purveyor of tripe.
Monday, January 5, 2009
Commissioners' Requests for Agenda items- Where do they go?
Almost everything you'd want to know about these Board Meetings is right there in the minutes.
Wanna know why it seems that little or nothing gets done? Why the Board is characterized as ineffective? A rubber stamp?
2007 was an active year for conscientious Commissioners really trying to get something done. We remember that Marie Atake resigned in disgust, in protest and because of Ed Boks at near the end of 2007. Let's see why.
Here are examples of our honorable Commissioners trying to do their jobs. Yes, even Glenn Brown. First, we'll look at issues they proposed for future agenda items. Then we'll see what happened to those requests, if anything. Get some popcorn.
1.8.07 Meeting Canceled. (yawn)
6. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS Requests from Commissioners For Future Agenda Items
• Commissioner Atake wanted discussion item on temperament testing to be placed on the agenda.
• Commissioner Atake wanted a discussion item on medical records accuracy to be placed on the agenda.
• Commissioner Atake requested a discussion item on puppy placements.
• Commissioner Atake requested for an update on the Do Not Adopt List.
• Commissioner Atake wanted to see what could be done to issue more spay/neuter vouchers.
• Commissioner Atake requested for an update on the Animal Cruelty Task Force.
• Commissioner Atake requested a discussion item regarding the tracking of the animals that were released intact.
• Commissioner Riordan wanted to look into incentives for pet shops taking in shelter animals. She requested that the Department look into whether pet shops and veterinary offices be made into "independent contractors" to try and license pets in exchange for a commission (percentage of the license fee). She recommended that the Department check with the City Controller.
• Commissioner Riordan asked if the Department could look into the USDA's approach towards the dangerous animal cases being treated as cruelty cases.
• Commissioner Riordan wanted public relations to be placed on the agenda.
• Commissioner Riordan requested a discussion item on Department procedures for impounding strays.
• Commissioners Khero and Atake wanted Department language and a standard of terms to be placed on the agenda.
Yes, they started the year off with great plans to tackle some important issues.
Previous requests for agenda items that were placed on this agenda= NONE.
6. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS Requests from Commissioners For Future Agenda Items
• Commissioner Atake wanted an updated report on the missing rabbit numbers to be placed on a future agenda.
• Commissioner Riordan requested to see a draft on a Department Low Kill/No Kill Plan.
6. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS Requests from Commissioners For Future Agenda Items
• Commissioners Khero wanted a discussion item on Department language and a standard of terms to be placed on the agenda.
• Commissioner Riordan requested a review of the New Hope Program and a report on shelter rabbits.
• Commissioner Riordan wanted the Department to look into whether pet shops and veterinary offices be made into "independent contractors" to try and license pets in exchange for a commission (percentage of the license fee).
• Commissioner Riordan wanted a discussion item on the sale of baby rabbits.
• Commissioner Riordan asked for a report on what would the result be if we (Commission) directed the department to cease and desist the killing of all treatable and feral animals. She would like those issues (need for more space, staff, adoption PR, medical care training/rehab, etc) brought to the commission so that we can assist you (the department) on tackling each one of those obstacles.
• Commissioner Riordan requested a discussion item on the Department’s enforcement of anti-tethering laws.
Commissioner Brown left the Commission Meeting at 1:02 P.M. and returned at 1:06 P.M.
Requests from Commissioners For Future Agenda Items
• Commissioner Atake wanted a discussion item on veterinarian issues.
• Commissioner Atake requested to have a discussion item on raising the breeders’ license fees and the intact animal fees.
• Commissioner Riordan asked for a report on the Department’s euthanasia statistics, especially after the recent Paw-Fect Match adoption event.
• Commissioner Riordan asked that we receive a report on the County’s ordinance regarding the sale of baby rabbits and poultry at pet and feed stores.
• Commissioner Brown requested a discussion item on utilizing animals in a service capacity.
• Commissioner Brown wanted a program update on the Animal Cruelty Task Force.
• Commissioner Brown also requested a discussion item on the Department’s recruitment plan for veterinarians.
Previous requests for agenda items that were placed on this agenda= NONE.
Previous requests for agenda items that were placed on this agenda= 1 (kind of...Khero had requested a discussion of department terms and language. This meeting featured a very long discussion of "euthanasia" and sedation of animals before killing them. Worth a read.)
Commissioner Khero confirmed that the agenda items for the April 9, 2007 Commission Meeting would be:
- The Approval of Mandatory Collection of One-Time $5.00 Cat Registration Fee for New Adoption and Ownership Redemptions,
- Dog and Kennel Fee Waiver for Non-Profit Rescue Organizations,
- The Discussion on the Sedation of Animals as Part of the Euthanasia Protocol, Oral report by the General Manager on the status of veterinarian recruitment, and
- New Website walk-through.
Previous requests for agenda items that were placed on this agenda= 1 (sedation before euthanasia continued)
A. Contraindications on Sedation of Animals as Part of the Euthanasia Protocol (Continued from March 27, 2007; Public Comments have been taken).
Commissioner Riordan requested to have the item tabled to the next Commission Meeting due to the absence of Department veterinarians to report on the item. Commissioner Quincey added that he would like representatives from the Southern California Veterinarian Association to report on the issue.
Commissioner Atake motioned to table the discussion item to the agenda for the next Commission Meeting on 04/23/07. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Quincey and passed on a vote of 4-0.
Action Item: Contraindications on Sedation of Animals as Part of the Euthanasia Protocol to be tabled to the 04/23/07 Commission Meeting
To be continued.
And We Wait...
The first Board meeting of the year will be held (maybe) on January 12, 2009. On Friday January 9, the agenda for that Board meeting will be posted. What will be on that agenda? There's no telling. Certainly there's a lot to talk about. Since the last meeting, oh ...when was it, Summer 08? Anyway, since the last meeting :+/- Read more...
- Budgets have been cut and shelters are begging the public for the most basic supplies.
- Boks has been sued again. Dr. Poopass too.
- Glenn Brown has quit. No official reason yet, but we suspect it will be something like, " I want to spend time with my family, " or "My business demands more of my time." No matter , he's gone and that's good. Kinda too bad. We were eager to find out what that secret "Homeland Security" stuff was that he brazenly announced at the Boks Trial--his last appearance before he freaked out and said, "fuck this shit!"
- Obama's been elected and the people have less stomach for bureaucrats like Boks.
- Antonio was passed over for a job in Obama's administration.
- Barth has been exposed, again.
- Boks exploited some puppy mill dogs and cashed in for $20,000 but there are no food bowls for the animals or paper for the ACTs at East Valley.
- Boks missed his "oral reports" to the Board for the last 3 months of 2008.
- The Boks trial was the must have ticket for 2008 with part 2 to come.
- BW was launched much to the chagrin of 221 Fig.
Will there be a new commissioner announcement this week? They (Ed and Linda) despise Riordan so they need to get her out of the "acting president" chair A.S.A.P. Who will the next president be? Tariq won't accept it so that leaves Archie and Irene. Neither are qualified and the whole town would laugh out loud. The new commissioner? Maybe. That would be a stunt! Appoint a new commissioner and then have Bickhart order the Board to elect that person as president at the first meeting. You heard it here first.
Time will tell and when we get that agenda we will post it here. Most likely with comments.
Oh...we've determined that our most loyal readers are... You ready? Yep. Ed, Linda and Hoss Fool. And they all seem to read BW at the same time...together...every day...each at their own desk! We picture a conference call with Ed at the helm.
"Okay, let's read this post. Now this one. What does "shit bag" mean?" Wonder whythey leave Kathy Davis out of the loop. Maybe she's actually doing work. If you look at the "organization" chart, she sure has a lot on her plate compared to B.Vader.
Have a nice evening.
and the lack of basic shelter supplies has resulted in the Board considering the 2009/2010 budget. But wait...what about the budget we're in now which is causing the shortages? I guess we'll all just have to show up on Monday and say our peace during the public comment portion of the meeting.
Oh darn. Hoss Fool, Board Secretary, still has that illegal statement on the agenda:
Public Comments: The Brown Act prohibits the Board and staff from responding to the speakers' comments. Some of the matters raised in public comment may appear on a future agenda.
The problem, Hoss, is that it is NOT TRUE.
The Ralph M. Brown Act is that portion of the California Government Code which governs the conduct of legislative bodies (or boards) and which was enacted to ensure "open meetings." The Brown Act is also referred to as "CALIFORNIA LOCAL AGENCY OPEN MEETING LAWS."
Section 54954.2(a) states:
No action or discussion shall be undertaken on any item
not appearing on the posted agenda, except that
members of a legislative body or its staff may brieflyrespond to statements made or questions posed by persons exercising their public testimony rights under Section 54954.3. In addition, on their own initiative or in response to questions posed by the public, a member of a legislative body or its staff may ask a question for clarification, make a brief announcement, or make a brief report on his or her own activities. Furthermore, a member of a legislative body, or the body itself, subject to rules or procedures of the legislative body, may provide a reference to staff or other resources for factual information, request staff to report back to the body at a subsequent meeting concerning any matter, or take action to direct staff to place a matter of business on a future agenda.
This "statement" on the agenda is a good trick to gag the Board but is is illegal.
Diligent as ever, our own Jeff de la Rosa has exposed this little problem and made aware the Board, Hoss Fool as well as Councimember Dennis Zine and President Eric Garcetti. No response as of yet.
When did this gag rule go into effect? Here's where it gets interesting.
The first meeting agendawhich bears this unlawful gag order on the Commissiners is June 25, 2007. Of course, no minutes for this meeting are posted at But we seem to remember that, at least Jeff, spoke during the comment period demanding action from the Board. Yep, this is the first meeting which was supposed to address the issue of Jeff de la Rosa's dog Stu and the horrid treatment he was receiving while locked up in the pound for 2 years by this time. Ed Boks had been blocking the discussion item for weeks but it did make it on the very next meeting agenda.
Yes, the gag order was in effect for that meeting and has been ever since. We've found our gagger!
Sorry, Ed. We Gotcha!
For your convenience:,,,
S.G. BW staff writer.