The story: Little Girl/"Trish" has a double fracture of the radius and ulnar bones, at the wrist, on her front right leg. In small breeds (she's 6.7 lbs.) these fractures don't often heal by just setting the bone and applying a cast or splint. This is because of the less than ideal blood circulation at the paw in little dogs. A larger dog has a better chance of healing without surgery. INCORRECTLY, the vet (unidentified) at LAAS declared that if she was not rescued by Friday 8/6 that keeping her longer without surgery would have been INHUMANE and he/she scheduled her to be killed on 8/6. Our orthopedic surgeon thinks this was WRONG. So did we, so we had her pulled and she is in a safe and loving foster home. LAAS doomed this dog without giving her a chance. You can give her the best chance by contributing $5 or $500 or the whole sugical, boarding and medicine fees.
BoardWatch and Underdogs L.A. have taken on the responsibility for getting LG back to optimum health, but we need help. The surgery will cost nearly $3000 and she needs it within 2 weeks to have best chance.
Little Girl is alert, otherwise healthy, eating very well and just wants to play and cuddle. She is safely confined to her cushy crate most of the time but she gets out to get a little excerise to promote circulation which aids in healing. When she is ready, she will be placed in the perfect home forever.
Prognosis: This fracture is not likely to heal this way and we have consulted with a orthopedic specialist who has reviewed the LAAS x-ray films. The doc says that she needs a tiny metal plate/pins/screws to help the bones heal. With this surgery, she will be near 100% if not 100% healed and be able to have a normal unhindered gait.
The worst case scenario: If Little Girl does not have this surgery and the bones do not heal, she will have problems putting weight on that leg. Amputation would be necessary. We don't want that for her. We want her to have the best chance at a normal life in a new forever home.
TRISH - ID#A1136849
My name is Trish and I am an unaltered female,
tan Chihuahua - Smooth Coated.
The shelter thinks I am about 1 year and 1 month old.
I have been at the shelter since Jul 28, 2010.
The shelter thinks I am about 1 year and 1 month old.
I have been at the shelter since Jul 28, 2010.
Radiographs: Right front limb seems to have a distal radial and ulnar fracture at the physis with lateral deviation of distal limb at carpus. For further medical please contact Medical staff
NEEDS IMMEDIATE ATTENTION has only until FRIDAY 8/6 NO FURTHER EXTENSIONS dog is being treated but needs further eval immediately.
Anna HernandezNEW HOPE COORDINATORLos Angeles Animal Services
North Central Division3201 Lacy St.
Los Angeles Ca. 90031
Shelter (213)485-5767 (preferred)
Fax (213)847-0555
Cell (213)305-4096
Business Hours Tues-Sat. 8-5
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North Central Division3201 Lacy St.
Los Angeles Ca. 90031
Shelter (213)485-5767 (preferred)
Fax (213)847-0555
Cell (213)305-4096
Business Hours Tues-Sat. 8-5
You can now follow NOCs' MPA's